Disabled Woman Suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis Finally Granted Social Security Disability Benefits after Initial Application Rejected – Find Out Where to Get Help with Obtaining Social Security Disability Benefits Due to You

Many Social Security Disability applicants and recipients throughout the country have a story to tell about how they finally were granted important Social Security Disability benefits to help them survive. For some, the process was simple and straightforward, and they were granted benefits on their initial application. For the vast majority of Social Security Disability applicants, however, the story is much longer and fraught with challenges, as many Social Security Disability applicants must go through the appeals process after their initial application is rejected, in order to get Social Security Disability benefits due to them. Recently, one woman’s journey through the Social Security Disability benefits application process caught the attention of the press and the country. Her story is not unlike those of the many Social Security Disability applicants that are denied Social Security Disability benefits at the outset. Her story also serves as a good example of how the Social Security Disability process works, and the many challenges that applicants face as they move through the system.
Suffering for Nearly 30 Years, But Denied Social Security Disability Benefits
Amy Farrell, a 55-year-old woman from Kansas, finally got some good news last week. Farrell has been suffering from debilitating rheumatoid arthritis for almost 30 years, and her case is so severe that her knees do not bend, she has lost feeling in her hands, and she cannot work or even leave her home to do errands and other activities. Farrell applied for Social Security Disability benefits, but was denied at the initial application stage. Farrell was, shockingly, told that, like many Social Security Disability applicants who have been denied at the initial application stage, she could appeal, but it could take “months” to get a determination back from the Social Security Administration. Farrell appealed the decision, but had to move back in with her parents as she awaited news from the administration.
Now, finally, in the second week of December., Farrell learned that she will receive her Social Security Disability benefits, along with back pay for waiting, and health care benefits. She learned this news after a local news station reached out to the Social Security Administration on her behalf. Farrell said of the news that she will finally receive the critical help that she needs, “I told my mom, I learned a little song when I was a kid I hope I don’t cry, and it goes like, the prayers go up, and the blessings come down. And I really feel like that is what happened. So many people were praying for me for so long in this situation.” Farrell says that, with the monthly checks and back pay check, she plans to pay her medical bills and expenses, and wants to “give back with the blessings she has received this Christmas season.”
Finding Legal Counsel for Your Social Security Disability Case
Having an experienced Social Security Disability lawyer advocating for you and by your side can significantly help you obtain important Social Security Disability benefits due to you. If you are seeking Social Security Disability benefits do not hesitate to reach out to an experienced Social Security Disability lawyer about your case. The experienced Social Security Disability lawyers at Nationwide Disability Law are here to help. Contact Nationwide Disability Law today and speak to a lawyer about your case now.