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Understanding Social Security Credits: How They Impact Your Benefits

Understanding Social Security Credits_How They Impact Your Benefits

To qualify for Social Security benefits, you must earn at least 40 credits throughout your working life. These credits determine your eligibility for retirement, disability, and survivors benefits but do not affect the amount you receive.

How Social Security Credits Are Earned

Since 1978, you can earn up to four credits per year based on your total wages or self-employment income. The required earnings to receive one credit change yearly.

  • In 2025, you earn one credit for every $1,810 in covered earnings.
  • To earn the maximum four credits in 2025, you need $7,240 in annual earnings.

Important: Even if you earn more than the required amount, extra credits do not increase your benefit amount. Instead, benefits are based on your average earnings over your working years.

Credits Needed for Retirement Benefits

To qualify for retirement benefits, you need 40 credits. Since you can earn four credits per year, most workers qualify after 10 years of work.

Credits Needed for Disability Benefits

Eligibility for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) requires a recent work test and a duration of work test:

  • Before age 24 โ€“ You need six credits in the three years before disability.
  • Age 24 to 31 โ€“ You need credits for working half the time between age 21 and your disability onset.
  • Age 31 or older โ€“ You must have at least 20 credits in the last 10 years before disability.

Work Credits Needed for Disability

Age at Disability Years of Work Needed
Before 28 1.5 years (6 credits)
30 2 years
34 3 years
38 4 years
42 5 years
46 6 years
50 7 years
54 8 years
58 9 years
60+ 9.5 years

๐Ÿ“Œ Note: If you are statutorily blind, only the duration of work test applies.

Credits Needed for Survivors Benefits

The number of credits required for survivors benefits depends on the workerโ€™s age at death:

  • Younger workers require fewer credits.
  • No one needs more than 40 credits.
  • A special rule allows benefits if the deceased had six credits in the last three years.
  • If you were already receiving retirement or disability benefits, your survivors will automatically qualify.

Why Work Credits Matter

Your work history directly impacts your ability to receive Social Security benefits. If you donโ€™t have enough credits, you wonโ€™t qualify for disability or retirement benefits. However, your average lifetime earnings determine the amount you will receive, not the total number of credits earned.

Get Help Navigating Social Security Benefits

Applying for Social Security Disability benefits can be confusing. At Nationwide Disability Law, we ensure that you understand the requirements and help maximize your chances of approval.

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